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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Pass Drug Test Hair

    Read how to pass a drug test hair.

    Drug tests have been made advanced and so it becomes difficult to pass a drug test. However, it is important to pass a drug test because a failed drug test can lead to serious consequences. There have been many developments made to make a drug test give accurate results and many more have been made to pass a drug test. Do you want to know some tips about how to pass drug test hair? This article will give you some good and effective tips to do so.

    Hair drug test is the most accurate drug test and can detect drug that has been consumed even three months before the day of test. Though this test is accurate, it is also expensive. When you go for a hair drug test, the sample taken is the root of your hair. When a person consumes drugs the drug particles get stuck in the shaft of the hair and so can be traced from there. As the root of the hair is too small for a person to wash it off manually this work has to be done. This work has to be done using special chemicals and instruments.

    Detox kits are those special instruments that will help you pass a hair drug test. As cleans out systm drug test kits flush the drug from your body, there are detox shampoos that can clean the drug right from the root of your hair. These shampoos can wash off the drug particles from the root because of the special chemicals present in them. You will also find hair sprays and gels that hide the drug from being detected in a drug test, but it is better to wash them away rather than hide them.

    Hair drug test are the most advanced and accurate ones, so you might have to face them when you go your interviews in big companies like multi national ones. If there you fail a drug test then it would be difficult for you to get such big opportunity and a bad conduct stamp on your certificate can also harm your career.

    A failed hair drug test will not just harm your career but also drag you to court fro consuming drugs. So, why not try one hair wash then go for the test this will increase your confidence and also the chances of you getting cleared. To ensure yourself of the test you can do a hair drug test at home and get desired results. Detox kits are easily available online and work wonders to pass a test.

    How to pass