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  • February 16th, 2011

    How To Pass Drug Test Thc

    Read how to pass drug test THC.

    If you are thinking how to pass a drug test THC, then the first and foremost thing to do is to abstain from the use completely. The longer you abstain, the better the chances of passing a drug test. If you know that there is a drug testing coming up, you need to stop the use as soon as possible. Marijuana is the only drug that stays in the system for longer duration of time. Although the effects of smoking are believed to fade away in no time, the presence of this drug will register a positive test result. The synthetic urine samples available in the markets are specially designed to help pass a drug test. The sample has all the characteristics that a fresh natural urine sample has. For those who do not have ample of time, the use of synthetic urine is the only option.

    There are several home remedies for a drug test that will help eliminate the THC metabolite. Dilution by increasing the fluid intake and urine output is the most popular tactic adopted by many abusers. Drinking high amount of fluids will help lower the amount of THC metabolites below the pre determined threshold that can test you positive. If you have sufficient amount of time, then start of with drinking water. Ensure that you keep on sipping water every now and then. At the same time, make sure that you exercise a lot. Exercising will burn the lipid cells of the system where the THC metabolites generally get stored.

    Eating protein rich red meat will help boost the creatinine levels in the urine. As you drink excessive water, the creatinine levels in the urine are lowered and hence the authorities might come to know that you have tried cheating the labs. Thus it is always a better idea to go for creatine supplements to normalize the creatinine levels. Vitamin B2 will impart yellow color to the watery urine. Methods to pass a drug test are available on a number of websites, but they will work only if you put in the right efforts!

    How to pass