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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Pass Marijuana Drug Test

    Particulars of how to pass marijuana drug test

    Ethics of how to pass marijuana drug test: The most noticeable method to pass a drug test is to not have any drugs in ones body they can identify. If a person doesn’t use anything, they have nothing to worry about. Passing a drug test is not as hard as you may think. Toxins in ones system do not settle Total. The first thing they require to do is confirm how long each pollutant remains in their system marijuana drug testing is by far and away the most popular test. When marijuana (THC) metabolites are in the blood, they’ll end up in the blood vessels, counting those in the head, and get clean through the hair.

    People interested in passing marijuana drug test should know that new government drug testing guidelines now include that all laboratories perform a specimen integrity check before testing for drugs. What this means is that they are no longer only looking for marijuana and other illicit drugs but also for additives, dilution, and most of the available adulterants/masking products. Under the Federal guidelines, drug testing has two cutoff levels for positive detection. That is, labs that follow the guidelines consider drug testing to be negative if detection is below either cutoff level.

    Avoid from using opiates. The only perfect way of passing severe and thorough drug tests is by not letting the substances in ones body to begin with. Dilute urine sample. If drug test is carried out in a closed bathroom, dilute sample with about a quarter of a cup of warm water. Wash out urine sample inside. Drinking lots of water before test can water down urine to a cleaner, more unadulterated sample, masking the opiates. Many testers will notice this red flag, yet, and force to retest.

    Pierce the sample with masking products. These products, such as Clean-X, Urine Luck, and Klear, will insert ones urine with other chemicals to mask the opiate samples. Replacement of urine sample with another person’s is also on of the way to beat opiates in drug test. If one knows they are testing in a closed room, bring another person’s clean urine sample and hand in their urine instead of theirs.

    How to pass