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  • November 17th, 2010

    How To Pass Random Drug Test

    Read how to pass random drug test

    Drug test is a great step to stop the increasing number of drug users all over the world. The legal actions taken against those who consume drugs, is not to insult them or ruin their life, it is just a step to help them come out of addiction and live a better and healthy life further. However, many have found an alternative solution for it and that is short cut ways to pass a drug test. Random drug test was then discovered to be the solution for this problem. In this article you will find some disadvantages of this test for a drug addict and tips on how to pass random drug test.

    A random drug test has been found to be too helpful for the drug testing department and at the same time it has being a problem for drug addicted people because:

    A. Unlike other drug tests, there is no time to prepare for the drug test. You have to deliver your sample right on the spot.

    B. The one who is going to give the test is completely unaware of what specimen is going to be collected and so he cannot pass the test so easily

    C. The person going to be tested does not know which drug is going to be tested and so gets caught easily.

    These things might scare you about a random drug test, but after reading this article your fear will run away. A random drug test does not give you time and so here you ill find some non-time consuming tips:

    A. If you have to face a urine drug test, then try to give your friends urine or buy a fake urine sample from the nearest pharmacist. If you have a days’ time them you can even get the sample from many online websites

    B. If you are thinking about hair drug test how to pass, then let me tell you, that it can be difficult o pass a hair dug test. The only way is to submit a fake a sample for the test.

    C. Your expressions speak a lot about your drug addiction. Your fear face will show away your addiction.

    How to pass