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  • February 16th, 2011

    How To Pass The Drug Test

    Read more for ways to cheat a drug test.

    When you are thinking for how to pass the drug test, first start your detoxification treatment by drinking water. Drink simple plain water in large quantity proves lots of advantage to body. Though it is important to drink water in sufficient quantity and that to with right time. Do not start drinking water too many days before. It actually do not give any result. Water fail to remove THC traces as said earlier, THC is not water soluble substance. Water provides good aid to clean the bladder or dilute the urine samples from it. However, be sure that you are not using this method excessively. It proved to be very dangerous and can takes one’s life due to water intoxication.

    Saturating body organs with the fluid will leads to decease drug metabolism below some threshold level. This process is known as dilution. However, this process can get detect as there is virtually faint yellow color. This is clear indication that you are trying some techniques of dilution. To mask the dilution process, use of vitamin B complex proves effective. It increases cretin level and also gives pale yellow color to urine. This will definitely remove all the interfering substances in drug testing marijuana.

    Out of almost every drugs used in all over the World, marijuana is considered as most dangerous drugs. Due to their slow metabolic conversion rate they are easily get caught in random drug and pbt test.

    THC metabolites remains inside the body for longer period of time. It is fat solvent and resides inside the fatty cells of the body. Cleaning lipid tissues is actually very difficult task. Most herbal products boosting about their ability to clean drug particles inside the body immediately. However, this is not true. Only way which can remove drug particles from the body is proper use of detox product all together with some home remedies. Home remedies may include change in diet plan or some cardio vascular work out etc. Drinking excess amount of water is one of the best way to clean your body system from toxins. It actually increases drug metabolic rate of the body.

    How to pass