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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Use Niacin To Pass A Drug Test

    Learn safe and secure way of how to use niacin to pass a drug test

    Not so many people are aware of effective use of niacin drug to mask positive result of drug testing. Do not get count in those people. Read for safe, secure and effective use of niacin to pass the drug test. If you are regular user of drugs then it is very much essential for you all to know how to use niacin to pass drug test. On internet too you can read number of articles on how niacin help to cheat in drug test. Niacin is chemical compounds which help body system to wash out illegal drug substances. Prior to switching on topic how to use niacin to pass a drug test, little about niacin.

    Niacin comes from Group of B complex vitamins. Nicotinic acid also known by the name of B 3 vitamin is chief source of niacin availability. It is mainly used in dietary and food supplements as a nutritional agent. You can also get niacin from several other natural resources as well. Niacin first consumed to cover aftereffects of ecstasy hair drug test. Where hair foliates are screen to check presence of illegal and prohibited drugs.

    Many people think that having niacin is safe and does not come up with any kind of side effects. It is a half truth. Though niacin is manufactured from natural substances it does have some severe kind of side effects. For the reason many drug associations place ban on selling niacin over the counters. Niacin is easily soluble in water but body too has certain limitation. People completely unaware from these facts face severe side effects of overdose. Vomiting and nausea are some common symptoms.

    Now, you certainly want to know what should be an ideal amount of niacin to pass drug test. By keeping in mind bad effects on niacin, one can decide how to keep intake in adequate quantity. It is advisable to keep niacin intake low because sometime body system do not give ideal repose. You can start from one pill at a time, if it does not show any adverse effect then gradually increase amount to two at a time. Do not fail to drink lot of water with pills. It help to dilute the soluble inside the body quickly.

    Make a point that, do not make habit of having niacin. If it is possible take it in the form of natural sources.

    How to pass