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  • February 16th, 2011

    Mandatory Drug Testing

    Read about mandatory drug testing.

    Mandatory drug testing in schools and workplaces has faced a lot of criticism ever since its introduction. The policy of drug testing in schools can deter the teens from doing drugs believes the experts. Many people are of the opinion that the drug test policies violate the constitutional rights of privacy of the subject. The decision from United States judiciary paved way for the school authorities and employers to implement mandatory drug testing policies for the employees and all the students involved in extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, with the emergence of drug testing, the abusers have come up with tactics to switch the drug test results. There are several detox products like the strip natural cleanser drug test that will help pass a drug test.

    The drug testing policy is reasonable due to the increasing use of illegal drugs in the school areas. The student athletes are under the increased risk for harm if they perform under the influence of illegal drugs. The use of drugs by the employees lowers their productivity and they are more prone to mistakes. This will directly affect the progress of a company. A number of schools in United States have instituted mandatory drug testing policies for the student athletes. Schools are now permitted to perform suspicion less drug tests for students willing to participate in sports activities. Parents dislike the idea of mandatory drug testing in schools and have filed suit claiming that the privacy violated their ward’s privacy.

    A study published recently concluded that there is no evidence that mandatory drug testing in schools lowers or deters the use of illegal drugs among the teens. Researchers have found that the drug testing policies were not associated with the rate of illegal drug usage. However this study contradicts the report issued by the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy. This report claimed that drug tests are effective in lowering the amount of drug used by the students. Thus the issue is still criticized and considered to be a violation to the privacy of an individual.

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