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  • January 20th, 2011

    Mandatory Drug Testing Constitutionality

    Read about mandatory drug testing constitutionality.

    Drug use is much grave problem than it appears to be. The use of illegal drug has become a major problem in United States. The surveys recently conducted by reliable agencies showed that more than 80% adults use marijuana in their schools and colleges. And round about 17% of them admitted that they use more potential drugs like cocaine. Teens love experimenting with drugs and the problem starts in schools. In the view of solving the problem of drug addiction, many schools and colleges have implemented drug testing programs for their students and athletes. While many institutions are adopting drug testing programs, a number of queries concerning the mandatory drug testing constitutionality still remains unsolved. The constitutional questions such as protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and due protection against self indiscrimination are at issues.

    The present law system in United States permits a drug testing for those students who are fall in the categories of cause or suspicion. A student can also be tested randomly if the parents give a written consent for the same. Drug addiction is worse as it can be the reason for many negative impacts on the life of the abuser. It affects the performance and can be the reason of under performance by an employee or a student. They encourage distraction rather than confronting the problems of the user. It can make the user more aggressive and violent and thus there is a threat to the ones in the immediate vicinity. All these things can be eliminated by the deterrence of drug use. Drug testing is thus mandated by the government as it deters the employees and students from using illegal drugs.

    However the drug testing has always been a controversial issue ever since its introduction in the society as the other side of the debate revolves around the privacy issues of the subject. Drug tests are always considered as a violation to the private life of the employees and students. However whatever might be the pros and cons of drug testing the objective is good. A drug test can effectively detect the presence of all the illegal drugs. Marijuana and ecstasy show up on drug test are very popular. At the end of the day the choice will be yours, if you still continue the use then be ready to face the consequences!

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