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  • February 16th, 2011

    Marijuana Drug Test Info

    Read the marijuana drug test info.

    Drug testing policies are being adopted by the employers as well the high school administrators with the rise in drug abusing population. Drug testing kits are also available in the markets and online stores. They are intended for the parents suspecting their wards for substance abuse. The internet is a great resource and has proved to be a blessing for those willing to pass a drug test. There are several anecdotes on the internet by those who failed drug test in first attempt. The marijuana drug test info and the tricks to pass a drug test have helped many abusers. A marijuana drug testing is a technical analysis of biological specimens like bodily fluids and hair for the presence of THC metabolites.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for drug in several countries including United States. THC is the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana that can get you high. With recent lab techniques, results are generally conclusive for the existence of THC. Urinalysis is the most common method employed as it is the least expensive method. Urine test can not indicate the current use of marijuana however, indicate past drug utilization. Metabolites of THC are stored in fatty tissue of different organs and are excreted via urine. It is the main reason for their detection in urine weeks after cessation of marijuana utilization. Passive inhalation of marijuana smoke can test positive if the metabolites level is 50ng.

    Blood tests for detecting marijuana are done in cases like autopsy, a road traffic accident and for checking intoxication. Blood test also aids in determining if an individual is presently on marijuana as THC is detected in your blood. A positive result is attained within some hours after marijuana utilization. Saliva is more convenient method to test marijuana. It provides people rapid and right results. Metabolites are observed in saliva for 12 to 24 hours to a maximum length of up to three days after the utilization. Joining a rehab centre would prove to be a better choice if you are willing to quit the use of drugs!

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