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  • December 24th, 2010

    Masking Agents For Drug Test

    Masking agents for drug test protocol

    Many of the athletes and people indulging in sports activities are known to take steroids or various kinds of stimulants to enhance their performances. Just before a particular event, athletes may take such products, which is basically against the law. In a drug testing procedure these stimulant could be detected easily. Some of the anabolic agents taken may not prove to be effective immediately as it takes a number of days to have the right kind of result. The best thing to do is take proper masking agents for drug test protocol. For sports individuals it is very essential to pass drug test or else they may not be able to participate in the event or be banned from playing completely.

    A variety of samples like hair, sweat, saliva, blood, DNA, dental plaque, urine, etc. are taken for conducting a drug testing procedure. Drug tests can be conducted at home with the help of home drug testing kits which have been designed specifically for the purpose. Athletes can try out these kits to find out if they can pass drug test. If at all masking agents for drug test protocol have been taken, then whether they can be detected in the test, can also be found out. It is best if you avoid taking steroids or drugs of any kind to improve athletic performance, even if manufacturers of these products claim that they are highly effective.

    In a hair drug testing pass test, sample of hair is taken to detect toxins. If you have been doing the shots since some time, then toxic residue gets accumulated at the root of hair, which not many people know. At the time of the test, there is nothing much that can be done, but prior to the test, you can wash your hair with special shampoos, serums, conditioners, etc. which can help you get rid of toxins at the base of hair. In case there is no supervision around and you have the daring to do so, you could provide hair sample of another person. Ensure that the other person has not been doing the shots, and if this is checked you will get through the hair drug testing pass test. Take help from online resources and read through blogs and wikis dedicated to the endeavor.

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