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  • November 17th, 2010

    Pain Patient Rights Drug Tests

    Pain Patient Rights Drug Test.

    Certain narcotic substances like morphine, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone etc. are used as painkillers or pain relievers. But the fact that these are narcotics adds an element of addiction and deliberate over use to their use. In order to check if some patients are deliberately overusing the narcotic pain relievers, the physician may conduct a pain patient rights drug tests. This will bring out the facts in the open and prevent addiction and complications associated with narcotic medication.

    According to a CDC study, pain reliever abuse has gone up by 111%. This includes patients who use too much of the narcotic pain relieving medication, use other illicit narcotics along with those prescribed or divert their prescriptions and consume other narcotics only. The problem is that narcotic medications can have significant cross reactions with other medications. In order to prevent all this, that can have serious implications for the health of the patient in the long run, the physician may resort to drug testing to ensure that the narcotic medication is not being abused in any manner. Many drug test blogs have also come up that highlight this problem.

    Pain relieving or pain management safeguards are an essential aspect of the pain relief field in the present day. They are needed for safeguarding the interests of both the involved parties – the patient and the physician. Pain relief plays a significant role in improving the quality of life for the patient. Imagine yourself in a condition where you have to rise each day with acute pain in some part of your body. Painkillers will certainly make your life better. At the same time the physician has to be safeguarded from any litigation arising due to errors on the part of the patient viz. over use, diversion of prescription and taking other un – prescribed narcotics / drugs with those that are prescribed. Even under the most humane and disease related conditions physicians face risk by prescribing narcotics / controlled substances as medication for reasons of misuse by patient as mentioned earlier. Doctors asking their patients to take pill counts, urine drug screening and pain agreements mitigate these risks. If permitted by State laws the patient can also be reviewed on the pharmacy board’s website.

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