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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass A Cotton Swab Drug Test

    Read about pass a cotton swab drug test.

    Employee drug testing is remarkably common as the war on drugs escalates. Failing a military drug tests carries harsh punishments and are unfortunate realities for those in armed forces. Surveys showed that the number of road accidents happening is because the drivers are under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol. People on probation may be asked to submit a sample of hair, urine or saliva and therefore it is recommended to be very careful to stay away from drugs and use guaranteed products to pass a drug testing. With mishandlings of the samples happening, there are great chances of drug test being unreliable and inaccurate. One is guilty until the drug test proves his/her innocence. Read this article to know more about how to pass a cotton swab drug test.

    One type of drug testing that is gaining popularity these days is the saliva drug test. A cotton swab drug test utilizes a person’s saliva which is collected using a cotton swab to test the presence or absence of drugs and drug metabolites. Saliva may contain the traces of drugs that have been consumed by the individual. Drugs tend to remain in the system for certain duration of time after its use. The period of time in which drugs can be detected is variable depending upon the frequency and degree of exposure to drugs.

    It is rather difficult to pass a drug test if a person has consumed drugs in the period leading up to the deadline. This is because the traces might not be completely washed away from the saliva. Smoking may lead to the presence of drug residues in the mouth. The beat way to pass a drug test is avoid using drug at the first place. However some people can consume drugs out of experimentation or being very careless. In that case you should try to detoxification process. A lot pass drug test free info is available on the net which can be easily availed. Drink lots of water so as to clean your mouth. Gargle as much as you can. Clean your tongue before going for the test. Brush your teeth twice a day and use an anti-bacterial mouthwash. Theses methods might reduce the amount of drugs in your mouth.

    How to pass