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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass A Marijuana Drug Test

    Some very effective detoxification ways to pass a marijuana drug test.

    Smoking effects of marijuana gets lighten very easily. However, with normal screening method also you can detect presence of marijuana traces even after week long period. Marijuana remains in the system for longer period of time, but its presence is directly depending on smoking history. Chief ingredient in marijuana is delta-9- Tetrahydrocannabinol or more simply known by just THC. THC enters inside the body stream instantly after smoking. If you take marijuana in the form of injection, then within 20-30 minutes it reaches till blood. Hence with blood testing, you can check out presence of THC metabolites almost instantly. Marijuana metabolites get converted into molecules. There is almost 80 different drug metabolites shows similar chemical resemblance with that THC. These drug metabolites get stored inside the fat cells and slowly removed from the body through urine. To pass a marijuana drug test, you need to concentrate on fast remover process of these drug metabolites. Here are the same methods for passing a drug test

    1. Drink lots of plain water- Well, even though THC metabolites are fat soluble, water gives rise to drug metabolic conversion process. Water is a best detoxification agent. Also it increases frequency of urinal. It gives clean urine at a time of actual screening process.

    2. Detox products- Marijuana drug detection is normally carried out through urine drug testing. There are lots of detoxification products which provide clean result. Remember; always go for a detoxification agent instead of masking products. Through analytical mode of testing one can easily trace them.

    3. Diet- Avoid having fatty substances when you are under detox treatment. Fatty products forms coating outside the cell making drug metabolites very difficult to leave.

    4. Cheating- When you sleep, conversion rate of drug metabolites increases. As a result very first sample of the day comes as a dirtiest. So don’t submit it as your sample specimen.

    5. Avoid false positive result- Though it is very common having false positive result, for marijuana it is slightly different case. Most of the companies follow analytical mode of testing which includes GC/MS screening methods. They eliminate the chances of getting misinterpreted result.

    How to pass