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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pot Drug Test How Long

    Read more about drug testing athletes.

    Marijuana or pot drug have main ingredient as Tetrahydrocannabinol or simply know by the THC. It enters inside the body immediately after you consume marijuana. If you take marijuana in the form of injection, then it takes little longer time to absorb inside the blood. Generally, ranging from 20 minutes to 1 Ѕ hour. However, you can detect presence of THC within shorter period of time. Marijuana is one faster metabolized drug and body starts converting it into molecules named as drug metabolites. If you look at the result sheet, there are almost 80 different THC metabolites present. These drug metabolites are accumulated inside the fat cells and gradually eliminates from the body in the form of urine and feces.

    It is essential to know pot drug test how long remain in the system. Usually drug metabolites have elimination cycle of 20 hours. But, some THC metabolites remain in the system has take time of 10-13 days for complete removal. All researchers are agreed that urine screening for marijuana can able to identify drug presence even after 2 weeks. It depends on your smoking history as well. Regular marijuana smokers can get positive result even after 90 days. Marijuana gives you boost and more activeness. It temporarily increases your physical activeness. To boost the performance athletes take marijuana. Random drug testing athletes decreases the marijuana intake.

    If you look at the result sheet for marijuana drug, you will observe that chances of getting false positive result for marijuana is negligible. Marijuana screening is carried out in two forms. First laboratories screen sample just for an immunoassay test. This process is known by EMIT. If person get positive result in this test, then only sample is re screened with mass spectrometer. It is most accurate method for detecting drug presence. Hence there is very less chance of getting false positive result. However, you can not identify out of which 80 drug metabolites gives positive result. It is said that ibuprofen or Advil causes false positive result for marijuana. However, advance screenings like GC MS eliminates this fear. Now main question can you pass drug test against marijuana? If you search on the internet, you will avail for almost 1000 different tips. Some like complete detoxification of body works really very well.

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