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  • January 20th, 2011

    Pass A Meth Drug Test

    Read about pass a meth drug test.

    Methamphetamine has many medical uses and is prescribed by doctors for several purposes. However the use can soon turn into addiction. The drug can directly target the central nervous system. If the central nervous system is targeted, the brain releases neuro transmitters. They can be the reason behind the behavioral changes and mood changes of an individual. The intense feelings caused by the changes in the brain can affect the physical abilities of a person using the drug. There are several cases reported where people using meth have experienced psychotic behavior. Meth is one of the drugs included in NIDA-5. Many standard drug screening labs screens for the presence of meth in the system of the subject. A urine or blood drug test is generally employed to screen the presence of meth. Lately, a meth test is performed on hair and skin too.

    Urinalysis is a reliable method and has been traditionally used to test people who have been showing addictive behavior. Methamphetamines get metabolized in the body and reach the urine in about 3-5 hours after its use. There are several methods to pass a drug test for urine. It is easy to tamper with urine tests and manipulate the results. There is no home recieps to pass drug test for meth that has been proven effective and is full proof.
    Drinking water can speed up the detoxification process but the only reliable way to pass a drug test is abstinence.

    Meth, like many other drugs is out of the system in a few days. Meth leaves the system in 3 to 5 days provided that you are not heavy chronic user in which it could probably take a week. A meth drug test is extremely accurate as it can be detected in hair even after 3 months of consumption. It is relatively difficult to pass a hair drug test for meth. Stop doing drugs as soon as you come to know that there is a drug testing kit coming up. Try and postpone the test for a few days.

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