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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass Marijuana Drugs Tests

    Does tampering with every sample works every time?

    Ways to pass marijuana drugs tests in hair, urine or saliva sample gets growing popularity now. Surprisingly the test conducted for marijuana detection shows false positive for second hand smoking as well. It is important to know that passing a drug test, especially marijuana drug test is quite easy task. First of all there are lots of resources available for tempering techniques. These methods are frequently used and even drug testing authorities are known with such methods. Marijuana is highest consume drug in the World and lots of teens fall in it. Patents find it difficult to know about drug abuse and when they do, it is very late.

    Though now they can suspect their child’s behavior with home base drug testing. There are number of methods to get to know marijuana metabolites count from the body. Urine, saliva, hair and blood are four main drug testing forms. Knowing result by reading urine drug test is not at all difficult. These tests detect chemical metabolites or drug traces from the sample. Only blood testing have ability to detect actual drug remnants from the body. Hair testing is conducted when there is need of more accurate result. Due to its ability to trace down smoking history, it is consider as most authentic form of testing.

    At a time hair drug testing gives surprising result even if person just walks through room filled with marijuana smoke. However, now drug testing laboratories make changes in use of technology. They have set cut off level for every drug. For marijuana it is 0.5 ng/ L for screening phase. Where as for confirmatory testing sensitivity level goes down and it is 0.2ng/L.

    There are some parameters associated with every drug testing. It includes accuracy, reliability, quickness, detection period etc. The technology used to test the presence of drugs plays a vital role in accuracy. The procedure and steps followed during the tests is another factor which is directly related to accuracy and authenticity of tests. Marijuana is fat soluble substance and it remains stored for 3-4 months naturally. If you are looking for pass marijuana drugs tests, then very first adopt any good detoxification remedy. Just by drinking plain water marijuana traces are not getting dissolve.

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