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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pass Saliva Drug Test How To

    Pass Saliva Drug Test How To

    Drug tests check for the presence of drug residues inside a person’s body. For this they extract body hair or some body fluid like urine, blood, saliva or sweat. These samples are then checked for traces of drugs. Each drug test has its inherent strengths and weaknesses. The urine test is the most common drug test while the hair test is the most accurate and the most expensive test. The saliva drug test is more popular in some areas because of its ability of giving quick results and because it is more difficult to beat than most other tests. Here is some information on pass saliva drug test how to.

    The saliva drug test uses saliva as the sample. A swab of cotton is inserted in the mouth of the person being tested and is left there for a couple of minutes till it gets saturated with saliva. The swab is then extracted and placed on a colored test strip. Depending on the response of the test strip, the person is pronounced as a user or a non-user. The best thing about this test is that it is conducted in front of the testers. This eliminates the possibility of substituting or tampering with the sample. And does a saliva drug test detect commonly used drugs? Well yes, it does. The limitation of this test is that it can detect drugs used only within the last 3 to 4 days. The test is used to check vehicle and automobile drivers, for random testing, post accident testing and return to duty testing.

    To pass this drug test, you need to abstain from drugs for the said period of 3 to 4 days. You will also need to stay away from any foods and medicines that can give a false positive test. As an additional precaution you can have a detox mouthwash ready with you. In case of a surprise test you can use it 5 to 30 minutes before the test to get a clean test. The problem is that you are likely to be put under observation for the same 30 minutes before the test. So in case you are a drug user who has not stayed away from them even for the last 3 to 4 days, may God help you. Otherwise there is not much to worry about.

    How to pass