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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass Swab Drug Test Home Remedy

    Read about pass swab drug test home remedy.

    Although the urine drug testing methods gain the highest popularity, it is true fact that the test can be easily adulterated and is no longer considered to be a reliable method of testing drugs. It has become necessary to carry out a confirmatory test that can support the results given by the urine tests. Drug blood testing is the most accurate one but is not preferred because of its high cost. Saliva drug testing is gaining more popularity these days because of their ease and convenience. They have now replaced urine tests for several purposes. The test is tamper proof and the sample is collected under direct supervision of the authorities. It is almost impossible to cheat and come clear in a totally random drug test that utilizes saliva specimen. The only drawback of the test is that it can detect the recent use of drugs and fail to expose the long term use. The article has pass swab drug test home remedy that will help come clear in the test.

    Oral swab drug test is carried out by using a cotton swab that is placed between the gums of an individual. The swab is allowed to soak in the saliva of the donor and is then collected by the authorities. The specimen is sealed and sent to the testing labs for analysis. Saliva drug tests provide the shortest detection window. The drugs remain detectable in the saliva of the user only for 24-72 hours after the consumption. Thus abstaining from the use of drugs for a couple of days prior to the test can alter the test results. If you consume toxins just before the test, then the chances of testing positive are high.

    Saliva drug test is preferred in situations wherein there is a need of random tests. The labs might instruct you on what not to ingest prior to the test. Avoid all these instructions and have a proper breakfast on the day of the screening. Make sure that you clean your mouth on the day of test by gargling, flossing and brushing. Detox mouthwashes available in the markets will help provide a clean sample.

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