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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass The Dot Drug Test

    Know pass the dot drug test.

    The United States Department of Transportation (more commonly known by their short form DOT) adopts very strict guidelines and regulation acts related to drug screening in pre employment phase. An employee necessarily obeys all the rules set by her/ his DOT designation. If any dot drug tests accident happens, it may cause very harsh after effects on his career growth. As per the DOT regulation, every single employee is eligible for drug testing laws new york state. Exception for this are only avail to the person who have testing positions, he may subject for random drug screening. Senior authority may ask you for sample specimen any time. Where as employees who are working on non testing designated position is not avail for any kind of random drug/ alcohol testing. You may ask for the test provided you are suspected for illegal drug abuse.

    The internet is your best resource in this regard and has all the information you want on the ways and means to clear a dot drug test protocol. It also answers questions like pass a drug test. The demands are for a complete detox. You can approach the issue either with home based remedies for the detox like increased intake of green tea or other diuretics like a concoction of vinegar and water or go in for the easy way out, butt not without risk, synthetic urine and samples of some other family member.

    All these methods have met with success in some cases and fallen hopelessly in the case of others. But these have gone on record for ways of beating the drug test heat. Well, it is known to work in some cases as a diuretic and induce frequent urination to flush the system. It is important though to research and not try to counter one problem (your drug abuse) with another – intake of yet another additive that could show up in the test.

    How to pass