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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing A Oral Drug Test

    Passing a oral drug test is easy and simple

    Drug test marijuana cleanse is very important from the company’s point of view. There are many steps that are taken to make things work as far as test is concerned. You should read the enclosed instructions very carefully. Do not open the seal pouch before sample testing. Collect the fresh urine sample in a clean container. Check the expiration date and remove the test device. Don’t use the past expiration date and gradually dip the wicks into the urine sample. The wicks should be dipped for 20 to 30 seconds in order to get the clear result. Don’t allow the sample to get in touch with any other part of device.

    Reading the result after 3 to 8 minutes is preferably encouraged. There are lines on the device or tester and coded line have all the information about the kind of drug testing. Pass drug test and its accuracy had so many complications earlier but with the growing technology and time things have changed for the good. There are times when you have seen changed results and the reasons are pretty simple.

    Tampering is one of the major issue hat is happening in full swing. There is a specified period in which you have to determine the amount of drug traces in your body. Urinalysis is one of the most effective methods in detecting marijuana. The impact of drug abuse results in presence of metabolites in the body and these metabolites are detected very well through this 10 panel test. Ten panel tests is suggested for drugs like marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), opiates (OPI), methamphetamine (M-AMP), methadone (MTD), amphetamines (AMP), barbituates (BAR), benzodiazepines (BZD) and trycyclic antidepressant (TCA).

    The strips that are supplied with the 10 panel drug test kit e dipped in urine and the process becomes simple and less time consuming. The region of involved strips must show a dark line in order to get a negative drug testing. This particular testing method is trustworthy and it cannot be tampered. It is as good as multiple drug testing. There are many tests that are suggested by experts and there is a facility of home test as well. Laboratory testing is time consuming and involves chances of tampering.

    How to pass