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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing A Thc Urine Drug Test

    Read more about passing a thc urine drug test

    If you check online forums dedicated to drug testing, then you will observe that most common question asked there is ways for passing a thc urine drug test, or something related to throwing out marijuana and its metabolites out from the system. By reading forums or posts you will come to know that there are so many misconceptions related to drug passing and THC. Many people think on the way that overloading body organs with water or fluids will dilute the drug metabolites. Remember that this method fail to show its proper effectiveness due to over flooding. Drinking water in large amount will give water intoxication and it is definitely very risky for one’s life. Water just tends to dilute the urine sample for temporary period of time. Furthermore, dilution with the help of water is clearly seen making situation worse.

    Here take a note that THC is a fat soluble substance. As soon as you start its consumption, body starts working on it. Marijuana metabolites gets accumulate inside the fat cells. Throwing them out from the body is a difficult task. You need to take into account drug metabolic percentage, your screening deadline, your medical status etc. before making any final decision about use of particular detox product. Better if you take advice from your medical authority. You may come across with number of herbal products which are boosting about their ability to clean the system immediately. Make a point that they all are rumors. They are big time rumors and may leave very harsh effects on the body.

    In urine drug testing, there are several factors comes in the consideration to pass drug test. Creatine and protein are few of them. If you attempt for the dilution, by default Creatine level goes down which showing clear indication of tempering. To boost up the Creatine level start eating red meat. Red meat have highest amount of natural Creatine. You can fool the laboratories without taking any extra efforts for the same. Fore better results and to be on the safer side, buy a saliva drug test. It have lowest drug detection period but proves very effective for random drug testing.

    How to pass