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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing An Oral Drug Test

    Passing an Oral Drug Test

    Drug Tests are named after the sample that they use to examine for traces of drugs. The different types of tests are urine test, blood test, saliva / oral / mouth swab drug test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. Each test has its inherent strengths and weaknesses. For e.g. a hair drug test is the most accurate because it looks for drug residues in the inner layers of the hair – a location making it difficult to tamper with the sample and a location that leaves the residue undisturbed. This article deals with methods of passing an oral drug test.

    The saliva test is used in applications like checking vehicle and equipment drivers, nicotine testing of potential insurance clients, post accident testing, return to duty testing and other applications that require the knowledge of drug / alcohol use in the immediate past (3 – 4 days). The test can detect drug or alcohol use only if these are consumed 3 to 4 days before the test. The reason it is so popular in certain applications is because it can be conducted very quickly, the results are available almost immediately and it is nearly impossible to cheat the test.

    A cotton swab is inserted in the mouth of the person and left there till it is saturated with saliva. The swab is then extracted and placed on a colored test strip. The change / no change in color and the appearance / non-appearance of lines on the test strip indicates a positive or negative result. Since you cannot have somebody else’s saliva in your mouth, you cannot pass a drug test, which uses saliva, by substitution. Then how to pass a cotton swab mouth drug test? The simplest answer is not to use drugs – at least for 3 to 4 days before the test. Also stay away from medicines and foods that are likely to give a false positive test. If you are lucky and aren’t placed under observation, then you can use a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test to rinse your mouth. This will rid your mouth of all the residues.

    How to pass
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