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  • January 20th, 2011

    Passing Drug Screening Test

    Read about passing drug screening test.

    Drug testing is mandatory in schools, colleges, workplaces and medical institutions nowadays. Drug testing is a process of chemical analysis of biological specimens to detect the presence of drugs and drug metabolites in the system of the subject. Many employers routinely conduct drug testing in their companies so as to monitor the new potential employees as well as the existing staff members. If the employers use drugs, it affects their productivity and in a way hampers the progress of the company. Every employer expects the workplace to be drug free. Employers are thus permitted to perform random checks to maintain a healthy workforce. A number of websites have come forth to help the abusers. Pass a drug test info is available on several websites.

    The best way to pass drug test is abstinence. Stop doing drugs as soon as you come to know that you are going to face a drug test. Avoid all the unnecessary toxins at least for 2 days prior to the screening. The next thing to do is detoxify the system. Dilution is a great way of flushing out the toxins from the system. Hyper saturation by drinking lots of fluids in short frame of time will help lower the concentration of drug residues in the system. Be careful and do not overdo this task as it can lead to water intoxication.

    Exercising is another effective method of increasing the metabolism rate of the system. It will burn the fat cells and boost the detoxification process. The metabolites stored in the fat cells get released in the blood stream and are eliminated through the urinary tract. Stop exercising two days prior to the test as it will release more metabolites in the urine. Do not skip meals and breakfast on the day of the screening. Have lighter meals on the day of your personal deadline. Check yourselves with help of testing kits prior to the test so as to ensure that you are clean. There are several methods to pass a drug test. With righteous efforts you can surely come clean in a test!

    How to pass