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  • October 7th, 2010

    Passing Drug Test Reliability

    Passing Drug Test Reliability.

    Drug tests check if the person being tested has consumed drugs. The period before the test, in which the drug was consumed, varies according to the type of test and the level of the test. For e.g. hair drug tests can check drug consumption within the last 90 days, but advanced versions of the same test can go back further.

    Drug tests have become a widespread practice in workplaces, schools, colleges and are employed even before granting premises on rents to tenants and before awarding vendor ship status to owners of ancillary units. This is so in order to counter an even more pervasive fact of drug consumption. College and school going students use drugs, so do other citizens of the United States. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 made drug tests mandatory for public employees. Soon others followed and drug tests became mandatory in other areas as well.

    Drug Tests are mainly of the following five types:

    Urine Test is the most commonly used test. It looks for THC metabolites – the compound that can pronounce you guilty if beyond the stipulated limit.

    Blood Test checks for drugs / narcotics in the bloodstream at the time when the blood sample was extracted. With the urine test, this one gives a fairly accurate picture of short term consumption pattern of drugs.

    Saliva Swab Test can detect drug consumption within 24 hours only.

    Sweat Analysis / Test detects drug residues in sweat. This is not very popular with labs.

    Hair Drug Test is the most accurate of all the drug tests and can trace the consumption of drug for a period of 90 or, in case of the advanced version, more. Furthermore, it is not very easy to beat. Drug tests for potent drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine is usually of this type if the institute is ready to pay the extra cost it entails.

    Beating a urine test requires you to dilute your urine by consuming water and cranberry juice followed by periodic urination before the test. This breaks down the toxins that are then removed via urine. For beating a hair test reliably you will have to mask the inner layers of your hair using a special shampoo and conditioner preferably under professional guidance.

    How to pass