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  • October 19th, 2010

    Problems With Random Drug Testing In Schools

    What are the problems with random drug testing in schools?

    Earlier school authorities never considered it important to conduct a drug test in schools. These days a lot of children are getting into the bad vice of doing the shots, and hence many schools also conduct random drug testing. What are the problems with random drug testing in schools? Intimation is also given at times before conducting the test, but in the recent times random drug test checks are also done, with the sole purpose of catching students unawares. If students come to know about the drug test, then they are certainly going to find different ways of coming clear in the drug test which is actually not correct, but students too have no other option, otherwise being caught will affect their academic career.

    What are the problems with random drug testing in schools? Basically, the only problem is not giving intimation in due time. Even if the child is on drug abuse, a parent will definitely not want to have the child caught in a drug testing procedure in school. Parents as well as students can experience shame if the student is tested positive, which is the only problem while conducting random drug test. A lot of students opt for a drug called ecstasy, which gives a high to the person doing an ecstasy shot. As far as testing ecstasy on a drug test is concerned, an individual can be tested positive if he or she has not adopted appropriate methods of detoxification. Even if the drug has been taken a few days back, traces of the drug can still remain within the body system.

    Ecstasy on a drug test can be tested negative by drinking large quantities of water to detoxify your system. Water is an excellent and one of the best sources that an individual can use to detoxify the body. Besides hydrating the body, it helps in flushing out toxicity in the body. Consuming citric juices and eating citric fruits is an excellent method of reducing toxins in the body. If fresh juices are not available, then you could consider canned juices as well. Make sure you eat detoxifying fruits and vegetables on a regular basis till the day the drug test is going to be conducted. But if you get out of the habit for good after that, then there can be nothing more heartening.

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