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  • December 24th, 2010

    Saliva Drug Test Detox Mouthwash

    Saliva Drug Test Detox Mouthwash

    The Saliva drug test is used in applications where it is more important to know recent drug or alcohol consumption. These applications include testing of vehicle and equipment drivers, post accident testing, return to duty testing, testing of potential insurance clients for nicotine etc. The reason why the saliva test is preferred in these applications is that it is cheaper than the urine test that is more commonly employed. There is no point in investing in a test with greater detection periods when an inexpensive alternative is available. Also it is almost impossible to tamper with the sample or to substitute it.

    A cotton swab is inserted in the mouth of the person to be tested. It is left there for a couple of minutes till it is saturated with saliva. The swab is then extracted and placed over a colored test strip. Depending on the response of the strip the person is declared to be a drug user or non-user. It is difficult to replace the sample or tamper with the same because the sample is extracted in front of the conductor of the test and because you cannot have somebody else’s saliva in your mouth. To pass drug test that uses saliva as the sample, you either need to be one who abstains from drugs or extremely lucky. Lucky because even though saliva drug test detox mouthwash is available it is difficult to use it. The mouthwash has to be used 5 to 30 minutes before the test. Since the test conductors also know this, they put you under observation for the same duration.

    Azo is a company that manufactures products for improving the urinary tract health. You can test positive in a drug test with azo standard product’s use. This will be a false positive test and can be remedied during the confirmatory test. Nevertheless, it will be a spot of bother. So if you are using azo standard medication, it is better to do so under prescription. And be upfront and submit this prescription to the test conductors before the drug test to avoid misunderstandings.

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