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  • December 24th, 2010

    Sports Drug Testing

    Learn importance of sports drug testing.

    Athletes and sports person makes use of drugs to improve their performance is very general. There is nothing new in it. If you check the ancient history of sports, even Olympics games also not comes as exceptions. There are lots of ways to cheat in the performance, like having banned herbs, consuming foods and some other medicines which emulates the body organs for giving better performance. In today’s scenario drug screening is very controversial and debated topic and it many athletes lost their reputations, titles and career in it. However, sports drug testing is mandatory before any big sport event. Sport person follows many tampering methods, still with the new and advance modes of screening there is high possibility for detecting adulteration attempt as well.

    What is the most accepted method for sports drug testing? Yes, it is urine testing. With the urine drug test results you can readily figure out if person is under influence of drug or not. Some factors like pH level, Creatine percentage, temperature of the sample. One advantage of having urine drug testing is it is the cheapest form of screening among all other. Result avail from the test is simple to interpret and any one can do that. Urine testing method does not require any additional equipment to carry the test. However, there are several disadvantages attachй with it. One major disadvantage of this method is easy to tamper with the sample. You can simply put warm water into sample to mask drug metabolites. Though there is risk of getting caught in some cases and it does not prove effective every single time. Other method like use of urine additives and detoxification products tries to give clean sample. Here, make a note that getting clean sample is not important. Getting lower drug metabolites percentage is main concern to beat any drug test.

    To pass a drug test, very first know your drug testing. What is process, how it is conducted, what is its drug detection window period time. How long any drug metabolites remain in your system and its cut off level are the two major factors to beat drug test. Some drug metabolites take little longer period of time to pass. In such cases, you need to adopt some different strategies.

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