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  • December 24th, 2010

    Swab Drug Test Information

    Read the swab drug test information.

    Drug testing is the best way to determine whether an individual is under the influence of illicit drugs or not. Drug test is basically the technical analysis of biological specimen and can come up in several forms like the urine test drug, hair drug test or saliva drug test. One type of drug testing that is gaining popularity these days is the saliva drug test. This is partly because of the ability of saliva drug test to provide fast results and partly because it is easy to perform and does not require clinical technicians. If you need to get more swab drug test information then keep reading this article.

    The most common method of intake of drugs is smoking and snorting. As the drugs enter the mouth, some of the trace amount of residues is stored in the saliva. This is the basic principle of working of saliva drug test. Saliva drug test utilizes a cotton swab that is placed in the mouth of the subject, thus it get the name mouth swab drug test. The swab is allowed to soak in the saliva and then it is removed and sent to the lab for technical examination. This test is instantaneous and the results are available in 5-15 minutes. The saliva drug test is the best way to detect the recent use of drugs says the experts.

    The saliva drug test is usually used to screen the presence of five most commonly abused drugs namely amphetamines, cocaine, Cannabinoids, opiates and PCP. It can detect many other drugs too. This drug test is relatively cheaper than the blood drug test or hair drug test. Saliva drug test does not require a bathroom for specimen collection and thus proves to be the non-intrusive method of drug screening. There is no chance for the donor to adulterate or tamper the saliva specimen as the sample is collected under direct supervision. Saliva drug tests are the choice of employers when it comes to random drug testing and pre employment drug test. One can pass drug test for saliva by using the detox mouth wash available in many online drug stores.

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