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  • November 9th, 2010

    Thc Drug Test Blood

    Know how to cheat in thc drug test blood.

    Now days most of the companies are going for drug screening. Commonly take test is for checking against tetrahydrocannabinol known by just abbreviation of THC. THC is not a legal substance and considered as strongly prohibited drug. It is found in hashish and marijuana. Frequent method to check presence of THC is through blood checking. In THC drug test blood test is carried out at screening centers. THC substitutes get stores inside the fat. Hence urine or saliva test does not provide accurate and reliable result. THC soluble inside the fat, drug gets saturates inside the fat cell of body. As per latest update and research, it is prove that THC metabolites remain in the fat cells even after several weeks from consumption. One shocking truth about THC test is, any exposure to secondhand THC smoke can lead your test result positive.

    You might hear with the term false positive result. It is drug screening result get when sample shows positive result for another group of drug compounds. It is clear case of false identity. For e.g. if you chew some poppy seed just before your screening, then test result will defiantly get positive result. Whereas, such chance of caught in faulty positive cases is clearly based on type of screening centre. Quality of laboratories, instruments used for testing are some other factors.

    What is a false positive? It is a test result that is returned when a substance tests positive for another compound. It is a case of mistaken identity. For example if you eat a couple poppy seed cakes before testing, you can get a positive result for opiates. Methamphetamine false drug test results can caused due to consumption of ephedrine. Ephedrine is an active compound and falls in the same class as other simulators and drugs. Even though ephedrine have lots of other pharmaceutical properties it tend to give false positive That Is why it is essential to take precautionary measurements while taking any un prescribe medicines.

    In drug testing most, drug metabolites are taken into account. They are the source to confirm ingested drug. To pass drug test keep maximum detection window period. Because body starts metabolizing drug substances and fail to show result in blood or urine checking.

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