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  • February 16th, 2011

    Ways To Pass A Hair Drug Test

    Ways to pass a hair drug test.

    Drug testing is surest way to check whether person under the influence of drugs/ prescribed chemicals within particular detection period. This topic is always in controversies e right from when it was first introduced in United States. Although first this act was mandatory for all the government employees, this provision is now under taken by private employer’s as well. Main objective of this drug test is to keep motive of employees high, conflict free and safe to work. There are various forms in drug testing.

    These are blood test, urine test, saliva test and hair test. A combination of blood and urine test is regarded as an almost sure way to determine drug consumption.

    In a Hair Drug Test a hair is extracted from any part of the body, usually from the scalp. Consumed drugs get encased in the hair as it grows. This test is not capable of detecting drugs consumed within a period of one week before the test. Hair Drug testing can determine drug consumption within a period of 90 days before the test. Hair length of 1.5-2 cm in length from the crown line is used for the test. If that much hairs are unavailable then it is possible to conduct drug test through other body part as well. Some people attempt to pass this test by shaving the scalp. This does not work as hair can be extracted from any other part of the body as well.

    As technology advance, flaws in the drug testing techniques comes in front of the world. There is no particular drug testing method which will most accurately. Hair drug testing is not an exception from this fact. You can make use of many detoxification products so that drug metabolites gets mask and does not come inside the sample. Many drug abusers make use of this trick to pass a drug test.

    There are many commercial detox shampoos available on internet. You can order them without violating your privacy. Hair drug testing kits are also available in the market. Those kits are the best source for drug testing minors.

    How to pass