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  • October 7th, 2010

    We Should Stop Random Drug Testing In Schools

    We Should Stop Random Drug Testing in Schools.

    Drugs are substances that when consumed lead to a feeling of unwarranted optimism. The person feels as if he is on the top of the world and in control of the situation. He / she also feels powerful. The thing to remember is that this feeling is only an illusion. Prolonged drug use leads to disastrous physical and mental effects. Drugs are addictive and their use negatively affects the functioning of vital organs like brain, heart and lungs. There are also connected consequences. Drug addicts are violence prone and can indulge in robbery or theft to raise money to purchase drugs. This can get them into legal mess. This is also a problem for their family members. The demand for drugs also fuels rivalry and violence between rival drug cartels.

    To counter these effects drug testing was made compulsory in workplaces and school and college campuses. But the issue is a debatable one for many reasons. Here are a few reasons why drug testing should not be mandatory:

    Many drug tests are of limited accuracy and reliability.

    Chemicals that can be branded as drugs are present as ingredients in many over the counter medicines. Therefore a person can accidentally consume drug chemicals and test positive.

    Although testing positive does bring down drug use by the user the same can have opposite effect i.e. the user may quit school and take up an odd job to raise money. This would defeat the very purpose of the drug test.

    Children turn to drugs to temporarily escape from problems. It would be a better ides to introduce genuine counseling to help them deal with those problems. This would be akin to treating the disease and not the symptoms.

    Drug tests are easy to beat – students will use these to pass dot drug test.

    Many urban legends i.e. informal techniques to beat drug test exist. Most of these are false and some like drinking bleach to pass urine drug test can be fatal.

    There are other important issues like obesity that are also detrimental to health but receive scant attention

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