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  • October 19th, 2010

    What Do You Take To Pass A Drug Test

    What do you take to Pass a Drug Test?

    Drug test is a procedure to check if a person consumes drugs. This is done by checking for residues of drugs in the person’s body fluids like blood, urine, saliva and sweat or in the person’s hair. Drug tests are named after the fluid / part that is used as the sample. Thus we have the blood drug test, the urine test, saliva swab test, sweat test and the hair follicle test. Each drug test has its own relative merits and demerits and each can trace the test times for commonly used drugs like amphetamine drug test times, marijuana, cocaine etc.

    Drug tests are being increasingly employed by authorities like employers, school and college administrators, landlords etc. to keep their workplaces, campuses and accommodations free from the vice of drug use and their consequences. The fear of testing positive in drug deters many and keeps them away from drugs. And actually testing positive in a drug test also has a discouraging effect.

    Here are a few tips to pass drug test:

    1. Do not consume drugs.
    2. Do not use over the counter medicines – they may contain drug chemicals.
    3. Check the chemical ingredients of all the prescribed medicines that you take with your doctor or any other competent medical professional.
    4. For about 7 to 15 days before the test put yourself together – take fitness building exercise that makes you sweat it out, visit a sauna, drink lots of water throughout the day and eat a balanced healthy diet that is spread out throughout the day.
    5. For the same duration before the test, avoid toxic environs.
    6. To beat the urine test drink water and cranberry juice 2 to 3 hours before the test. Cranberry juice breaks down the toxins and water flushes them out through urine. But you can do this only if you are not placed under observation for the same period before the test.
    7. Passing a hair drug test needs use of a masking shampoo that covers the drug residues inside the hair strands.
    8. Using a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test helps pass a saliva swab test.

    How to pass