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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • January 16th, 2012

    Am I in trouble?

    Everyone knows that if you used drugs – it will be detected on a test; that is if you have one soon enough. What happens when you know you should have failed, but they say you passed?

    -          Hello, I am sorry, but I have a very weird question for you – if they don’t say anything after your test, does it mean I passed, or just want to see what I do know since I know I used something and I should fail it?

    -          I am a little confused… Can you please explain what happened from the beginning?

    -          Ok, I was at this party, right; so I was a little drunk and somehow I think I ate some mushrooms, you know, special kind of mushrooms. In fact I know for sure that I did because, you know, I was seeing things and all – it was fun, ok? And I don’t do these things, like ever! So that was Friday night, on Monday they call me for random test, and I cannot refuse, cause it is my job. So I go, and now it has been a week and I am freaking out – they did not say anything, I don’t know if I passed of failed, well I know I must have failed, but why won’t they tell me?

    -          Ok, generally mushrooms contain LSD that does not stay in your body for too long to begin with. Secondly, do you know what type of test they did?

    -          I think it was a 7-panel urine drug test.

    -          All right – that type of test will not be able to detect LSD even if you have used it a day before. 7-panel tests are meant to detect other substances. So, do not worry about a thing – you are in the clear.

    -          Oh! Thank you so much! What a relief!

    Although some toxins may not be detected in a test, it is always a good idea to shield yourself with a detox product – just in case.

    How to pass