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  • November 9th, 2010

    Blood Drug Test Questions

    Here are some blood drug test questions.

    Are you going to face a blood drug test? Do you have tons of questions revolving in your mind? This article will answer your queries about the approaching blood test. Just read it once and you will be aware and confident about the blood testing.

    What is a blood drug test?

    It is a procedure in which a sample of blood is analyzed under controlled conditions in a lab for detection of toxins. Blood drug test are invasive and hence are not preferred more.

    Why to prefer a blood test?

    It is because blood specimens can be easily collected, whereas it is difficult to collect urine sample. Besides the users who want to avoid a positive test results, blood samples can be easily adulterated and one can cheat the lab easily by using the co called detox kits. Thus blood drug test is preferred by both; the institutions as well as the users.

    How to detox the sample?

    The best way to detox the sample is by drinking plain water and exercising until you perspire. This will help those with high toxin levels and THC users. THC gets stored in your fatty tissues. Drinking and sweating is the only way of flushing the toxins out of your system and providing a sample with lower metabolite concentration. Or simply use a detox kit available in the market and you pass a drug test.

    How fast will you get clean?

    It depends upon the number of fatty tissues in your body, the speed of your metabolism, the frequency and amount of toxins ingested and how long they were ingested. A higher concentration of toxins will take more time for cleaning the system.

    What is the cost blood drug test?

    Blood drug test are very expensive and the most accurate drug testing methods as they can detect toxins easily. It can be right from $30 to $65 per drug test. The cost varies from country to country. On an average it is $12. MRO are regulated by U.S. Department Of Transportation (DOT). The cost of dot drug test is also high.

    How to pass