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  • December 24th, 2010

    California Drug Testing

    Learn terminologies related with the california drug testing.

    There are some drastically opposite points of view about drug testing. Very first one is administrative people finding it most cost effective and beneficial way to terminate unwanted employees. Where as some people think that it is completely unnecessary and violating act against their privacy. Both the view points are true based on some circumstance. Each state has some set drug testing rules and regulations. They are bases on the federal laws for anti drug abuse. As per the california drug testing laws, every contractors should necessarily provide a written policy for drug free work place. As per the recent survey, employees under the influence of drugs give loss of billions of dollars per year. There is large deduction in terms of productivity, liability and worker’s compensation. Hence, no most of the private sectors follow the rule of drug testing very sincerely. It proves beneficial for both the sides.

    In order to maintain the transparency in the drug testing, most of the companies follow the set regulations decided by SAMHSA. Urine testing is most widely acceptable and simple method to perform drug screening. You can adopt either two ways in it. One is home base urine strip testing while another one is advance analytical testing method. Home base drug testing kits are readily available in the market; even you will get them at your local medical store. They are easy to proceed and able to give correlating result.

    In analytical mode of testing, advance and latest technical equipments are used to check specimen. GC / MS methods are come in the analytical mode. With these techniques you are avail for the most accurate and 100% reliable drug checking. Along with urine screening, now there is a growing use of hair drug testing. Advantages of these methods over the urine testing are higher drug detection period. Another is more chances of getting reliable result as well as less option for doing any adulteration attempt. For the reason, hair drug testing is termed as most difficult form to pass. Well, this is not a true case. There are some foolproof ways to pass a hair drug test. You can get detox shampoo wash 3-4 times before actual screening. This is most trusted method to reduce the drug metabolite percentage below the cut off.

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