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  • November 17th, 2010

    Clean Saliva Drug Test

    Read about clean saliva drug test.

    Drug testing is important so as to deter one from using drugs. Drugs can affect the system for example the effects of marijuana on the cardiovascular system. Thus the use of drugs needs to be brought under control. Saliva drug test is gaining more popularity. This is partly because the sample is available easily and the test is accurate and partly because one cannot tamper saliva sample as it is collected directly under supervision. This drug test does not require the testers to come in contact with the other body fluids like the urine or blood. The major advantage of saliva drug test is that it is quick and easy to conduct and the results are available within a few minutes which can be completely relied upon. Read more about clean saliva drug test.

    Saliva drug tests are the easiest drug tests to pass. Oral fluids can provide a quick and non-invasive specimen for drug testing. Sometimes the collection of the sample may ne thwarted because of a number of physiological factors. Food can affect the concentration of drugs present in the oral fluid of an abuser. The sample also gets contaminated with other debris from the mouth and needs centrifugation.

    The general procedure of the test is to keep the subject away from drinking or inserting anything in the mouth for 15 minutes prior to the test. Then the sample of saliva is collected which is further mixed with chemicals or placed on a color test strip in order to determine the presence or absence of any drugs in the sample. The time period during which the drugs can be detected by this method is relatively low. It goes to 3-4 hours max. Because of the quick detection time these tests can be conducted randomly and you only have few hours to prepare for the test.

    The only thing that will aid you is a small bottle of mouthwash. This product will help you get rid of all the toxins that might be present in your mouth by cleaning out the saliva and making sure that the saliva glands stops secreting for sometime. Just swish the mouthwash for 3 minutes prior to the test and you can easily pass a drug test by getting the desired result!

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