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  • October 19th, 2010

    Does Salvia Show In Drug Test

    Does Saliva show in Drug Test.

    Drug Tests are named after the body fluid or body part that they use as a sample for checking if the person is a user of drugs. The Saliva test utilizes saliva from a person’s mouth as the specimen. The sample is then checked for the presence or absence of drug residues. The collection and evaluation of saliva is very quick, although the test can trace drug consumption only for a limited period before the sample was taken.

    Repeated or singular revelation of drug use in a drug test has proved to be a fairly effective deterrent against drug use. This is the purpose behind making drug tests compulsory in workplaces – public and private, schools, colleges and other places. The urine test is the most common of all drug tests. Kidneys store toxins for greater periods and then excrete them through urine. This is why the urine test is preferred. The frequent conduction of this test has also resulted in people devising different techniques to pass this drug test. Some of these techniques are effective, while others are useless and some can be potentially fatal. Does drinking bleach help pass a drug test? It does but it is a potentially fatal method.

    Saliva drug test is a non invasive and donor friendly. A swab is inserted in the mouth of the person and is left there till it is saturated with saliva. The swab is then either placed on a colored test strip or mixed with chemicals. The results are obtained very quickly. These tests are usually conducted by insurance agencies before insuring their clients, pre-employment testing and random drug testing by employers and post accident testing. The substitution of sample is virtually impossible and the results are quickly obtained.

    This test can detect marijuana and hashish consumption within the previous 24 hours. Use of opiates, cocaine, benzodiazepines, ecstasy and methamphetamine can be detected only if the test is conducted within 2 to 3 days of their consumption. Alcohol can be detected within 4 days of its consumption. The test is less efficient in detecting use of marijuana than other tests. To beat this test you have to abstain from drugs for the above-mentioned periods. Alternatively, you can have a special detox mouthwash with you and hope that you are not put under observation before the test so that you can use it.

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