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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Detox Your Body

    Read about drug detox your body.

    Employers routinely conduct drug screening before hiring a potential employee. The employee has to pass this drug test before he/she starts working. Failing a drug test would be the grounds of not being eligible for the applied post. Drug screening is the basic necessity either you are willing to participate in a sports event or get a driving license. These tests are obligatory for the federal employees. A lot of info about how to pass drug test phentermine or drug testing for any commonly abused drugs is available on various websites. Passing a drug tests is no more a big deal with the aid of all these services. Detoxifying the system can really work wonders. Read more to find how!

    The best way by far to pass any sort of drug test is to stop doing drugs completely at least till one passes a drug test. A number of detox products and solutions are available in many pharmacies as well as online drugstores that claim to clear the drug metabolites from the system completely. But there are still many doubts about their efficiency. Some of them are simply masking agents that mask the drug metabolites present in the system. But the labs are equipped with the techniques that can nullify their effect.

    Instead of going for these doubtful expensive products one can rely upon the natural home remedies to pass a drug test. Some of them are mentioned below:

    1. Drinking lots of fluid is the best way to detox your system. Water being a natural cleanser can help eliminate all the drug metabolites that are likely to test you positive in a drug test. Overloading the kidneys in a short frame of time can help lowering the concentration of metabolites below the cut off levels.

    2. Exercising will help increase the body metabolism rate of the system. Sweating can help eliminate the THC metabolites that are stored in the fat cells.

    3. Do not go on a diet. Include more of fibers and vegetables in the diet. Say no to fats.

    4. Dilution can be masked with the help of vitamin B2 supplements. It will color the watery urine yellow.

    How to pass
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