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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Test And Marijuana

    Read about drug test and marijuana.

    A drug test for marijuana is administered by parents, employers, high school officials, probation officers and other authorities to detect whether a person is under the influence of the drug. A drug test for marijuana can be administered by using different specimens including the body fluids (blood, urine, sweat or urine) and hair follicles. A drug test is considered to be the most effect method to determine if a person has been using the drug. Unfortunately all the drug test results are not always accurate. a drug test results can be false in case of improper paper work, inept authorities, mixing of samples, improper testing methods or passive inhalation. Prescription antibiotics and pain killers can cause a false positive for marijuana. It is best for the person being tested for marijuana to let the test administrators know of the prescription medications that he/she has been using.

    The use of marijuana can be detected by technically analyzing the urine, saliva, blood or hair follicle drug tests. The specimens are collected from the subjects and are shipped off to a drug testing laboratory. Blood drug test are the most expensive methods but are considered to be the most accurate testing methods. A hair follicle drug test can detect the use of marijuana 90 days back. As the hair of a person grows, the marijuana metabolites get encased in the hair shafts. Marijuana is the only drug that is likely to stay in the system for several weeks and months. Although, the effects of these drugs can fade away quickly, the use of marijuana can be the reason behind failure of an individual in a drug test.

    Drug tests results are not always accurate. The amount of the drug used by an individual is a major factor in determining how long the drug tests can detect its presence. If a person has used marijuana for a single time then the drug can be detected fro 48 to 72 hours after its use. For a habitual and chronic user of marijuana, the drug test can detect the metabolites for up to 12 weeks depending upon the frequency and amount of drug usage. The only way to pass a drug test is to avoid the use of marijuana further!

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