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  • October 19th, 2010

    Drug Test Detox Drink

    Drug Test Detox Drink.

    Detoxifiers, generally referred to by their abbreviation detox, are substances that rid the human body of any traces of drugs. People who have a drug test coming up in their workplace, school or college generally use them. This helps them avoid testing positive and avoid the other consequences that go with it. Even otherwise, using detox is good for the health in the long run.

    Detoxifiers are a combination of herbs, cleansers and diuretics. They break down the toxins in the body. Being diuretics, they stimulate urination – through urine toxins are eliminated. Depending on the type of drug tests, different types of detox products are available. They can be in the form of pills or liquid solutions. Again, depending on the type of drug tests and the drugs that are sought to be eliminated, the duration before the test when they should be consumed varies.

    Drug tests are being increasingly used in schools, colleges, sports, workplaces and other places to discourage the wide use of drugs. This is because discovery of drug use in these tests is known to discourage their use. Also the risk of losing jobs, getting suspended from educational institutions or getting thrown out by landlords when found to be using drugs is deterrent enough. The only problem is that many drug chemicals are present in many over the counter medicines. This raises the possibility of people consuming drugs unknowingly and testing positive in drug tests without any great fault of theirs. This is where detox comes into play. This is also where people ask: should drug tests be required for all jobs?

    At the beginning itself we would recommend the use of detoxifiers only under professionally qualified medical guidance so as to pass drug test. For urine tests readymade and natural detoxifiers are available. The natural ones are water and cranberry juice. These break down the THC metabolites and eliminate them through urine by stimulating urination. Following a healthy lifestyle i.e. proper use of exercise, food and water for at least 1 to 2 weeks before the test can get blood detoxified. Alternatively ready made detox can be used. For the saliva drug test detox mouthwashes should be used about 10 minutes before the test. For beating the hair drug test detox shampoos and conditioners are required. These open the outer layer of the hair and mask the inner layer in which drug residues are stored.

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