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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test False Positive Causes

    What are the drug test false positive causes?

    It can be very surprising for you if at all you are tested false positive. What are the drug test false positive causes? In such a case, an individual may not be on any toxic substance, but because other people are on drug abuse like smoking pot, marijuana, cocaine, etc. there could be some traces of the drug found on your body. It is not necessary that even you are on drug abuse if you are just sitting in the company of your friends. The rest of your friends could be smoking drugs, but residue could remain on your skin, clothes or hair, which will continue to remain till it is washed out clean. If you have been called for a drug testing procedure and are tested false positive, it just means this.

    Going for a marijuana drug test and marijuana is the drug you have been on, mean that you have to get yourself detoxified from this drug at the earliest. The detoxification process does not happen immediately, but if you start with the process, at least the traces of the drug in the sample can be removed at the time of the drug testing procedure. For example, if you have to go for a urine drug test, then drinking lots of water can be of great help in flushing out toxins from the body. The other remedy is to drink lots of juices, especially of fruits like gooseberries, acai berries, strawberries, cranberries etc. It is a well understood fact that these berries are rich sources of intoxicants and can help you come clear in a drug test.

    What are the drug test false positive causes? Once you know the causes of being tested false positive, you can try out different remedies to obtain a clear drug report for yourself. If it is necessary to go for a drug test and marijuana content or traces of the drug are in your body, you have to take necessary efforts to wash off drug traces from your system. If hair sample is called for, make sure you wash off your hair well with some of the best medicated shampoos developed for the purpose. Those who are bold enough do not hesitate in taking hair sample of another individual. In such a case be sure that the other person is not on any toxic substance.

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