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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test False Positive False Negative

    Get to know about why sometimes result is coming back with false positive value.

    Drug testing is very usual thing nowadays. However, there are lots of substances available in market which has ability to alter your drug testing result. They are commercially available and unknowingly get consume by user. Marijuana false positive, opiates false positive, amphetamine false positive are the few example. False positive result is little complex concept. Your drug test result gets misinterpret in it and shows positive for some other substance which in not consider as illicit drug. Why such things happen? Main reason behind it could be drug testing labs. If they are not standard one, then there is very high possibility for getting false result. These indicators give you the edge in changing the results of the drug test. There are some very good options available by which you are able to eliminate drug test false positive false negative.

    Learn how they reflect in your test result. Processes like full body detoxification are really very useful and best to pass a drug test. Detoxification is nothing but cleaning body from dirty toxins. Here take a note that, toxics are not foreign particle. They are generated by body itself. Hence takes more time to remove from body. Along with this, some drug remnants remain store inside the fat cells. They are not water soluble one. The drug metabolites, especially marijuana metabolites remain accumulated for longer period of time. This will trigger the metabolic activity and becomes key part in drug detection. Detoxification is the only process which provides you assurance for clean result. Still, one needs to take care about receiving false positive result. Give up your smoking habit for days. Even though drug screening cigars always comes negative, you need to take precaution for the same.

    With detoxification process you are lowering down the chances of getting drug test false positive false negative. It is the most secure way of getting false negative result. Clean result requires maximum flushing. So that impurities get way to pass from body. Once, these fluids gets remove from dirty toxics, you have fair chances to beat drug test. Dilution is process which allows removing toxics from body.

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