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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test False Positive For Morphine

    Read more about false positive drug test and substances which are showing drug test false positive for morphine.

    In drug testing, getting false positive result is always a fearing factor. In simple words, false positive result is defines as drug free specimens which are return back and showing positive result for some other substance. There are so many factors behind false positive result. Improper use of laboratory set up, loose sample handling, exposure to illicit drug; long term medical treatments are few examples. However, most common cause of behind false positive drug test us cross reactants. Cross reactants are substances which show familiar resemblance with chemical or physical property. May be these reactants are metabolites. Such examples are drug test false positive for morphine, false positive result for marijuana, opiates etc.

    As said earlier, getting false positive result is wholly depend on drug testing laboratory and equipment used there. Technology used for detection is also major factor. For e.g. GC/MS technology rarely gives false positive result. Same is not with home base drug testing kits. They fail to understand the difference and result is back with false positive.
    Main substance behind drug test false positive for morphine is poppy seeds. They show traces for morphine and sequentially lead for false positive drug test for opiate. Codeine is another main culprit in drug test false positive for morphine. Codeine is main pain reliever drug and returns false positive due to similar resemblance with heroine and morphine.

    How you can avoid it. One best way is use of drug test body cleanser. Drug test body cleanser is nothing but the detox product. They try for lowering metabolic count below cut off level. This increases chance of beating drug testing confidently. Drug cleansers work as flushing and masking agent. They boost up frequency of urination as well as give trigger to metabolic conversion. Though these methods are best and proven one, they are not foolproof yet. May be their consumption involve some risk factor. It is better if you consult medical authority for the same. Do not have over the counter medicines, drug and diet supplies. Take proper care for your daily diet and fluid intake. Drink plenty of water to pass a drug test. And least one is attempting to give up your smoking habit.

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