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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Test Juice

    Read about drug test juice.

    Drug testing programs are conducted to find out whether or not an individual is under the influence of illegal drugs. Drug tests are becoming increasingly popular at workplaces, high schools, for admissions in college and in sports events. Unfortunately with the increase in the number of drug testing programs being conducted, abusers are in search of ways to pass a drug test. Several companies and websites are trying to convince people to buy their detox products and drug testing kits. They make bold claims and promises about their products but none of them are proven effective. Do not buy these products provided that you are not going to face a random drug test. There is a lot that can be done to pass a drug test with prior intimation depending upon the time available. In case of random test, you can buy the detox products like a detox shampoo to pass hair follicle drug test as a last resort.

    Using cranberry juice to flush the toxins from the system is the most common strategy used by many abusers. Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic. Drinking cranberry juice on the day of the test will dilute the urine temporary. The juice will thrash out the THC metabolites present in the system. Cranberry juice of high quality can balance the pH of the urine and increase the frequency of urination ultimately helping to flush the drug metabolites. On the day of the screening, abusers ensure that the urine in the bladder is as watered down as possible with the help of this drug test juice and water. Cranberry juice will help them urinate frequently.

    If you are working in a company that performs drug test on random basis then you can always keep a bottle of cranberry juice with you. Drink the juice prior to the test. This will help you urinate frequently. The juice is believed to cause a pH shift making the urine specimen acidic. This will alter the chemistry of the immunoassay tests. Cranberry juice contains enough benzoic acid to produce acidic specimen. However the only assured way to pass a drug test is to stay off the drugs!

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