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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Testing For Extracurricular Activities

    Read about drug testing for extracurricular activities.

    Following the foot steps of the employers, several school managements have also begun implementing drug testing policies. The very basic idea behind conducting a drug test is to discourage the use and deal with the problem of illicit drug use among the school kids. School authorities and the drug testing advocates are of the opinion that the drug testing policies in school will deter drug use and help recognize the ones in need of help. Drug testing is an effective platform to provide appropriate treatment options for the teens who are struggling with drug issues. Various schools in United States have adopted the drug testing policies to convey anti drug and zero tolerance to drug messages. A school policy that prohibits students from participating in extracurricular activities unless they consent to drug testing is constitutional.

    There are several cases wherein the parents have sued the school district as they believed random drug testing for extracurricular activities violated the student’s rights against unreasonable searches. However the U.S. Supreme Court held that the policy of random drug testing for those willing to participate in extracurricular activities was unconstitutional. The courts have devised a balancing test so as to determine the constitutionality of the tests. In this test, the court weights the scope of expectation of privacy and the efficacy of drug test. The courts concluded that the public school students have lower expectation of the privacy rights and the sample collection is not intrusive on privacy rights.

    The students can cheat the tests and outsmart the testing labs. They adopt several tactics like drinking bleach to pass a drug test or watering down the samples to lower the concentration of drug metabolites. Over 900,000 hits in less than a second were registered on Google search accessing the info for passing drug test. This clearly implies that the abusers are way smarter and can go to any extent to come clear in the test. The labs are required to be more stringent in their conduction methods as this is the only way to catch hold of the abusers attempting to cheat the labs.

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