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  • November 17th, 2010

    Failed Drug Test Marijuana

    Read what can be the reasons behind failed drug test marijuana.

    Drug testing, one of the chief way to detect presence of drug inside the body. However, drug testing methods are able to check out drug metabolites from the body. Metabolites are nothing but the byproducts of drug substances. To confirm whether you get pass in test or not, there is set threshold value for every drug. This cut off value is decided by SAMHSA. It is important to know drug metabolic percentage level in the urine sample. Most often urine testing is carry out to check presence of marijuana in the system. Marijuana has cut off level of 50 ng / Ml amount of detection. As per the rule it detection level can be lower down up to 25ng/ Ml. Behind Failed drug test marijuana this can be one reason.

    If you know cut of percentage level for marijuana, then try to maintain that percentage amount. You can take help of home drug test kits for the same. With home based kits, you can identify whether drug percentage in within boundary limit or not. Though home drug test kits are no longer able to identify correct amount of THC, you can check out drug presence inside system frequently.

    If you come across any random drug testing, one thing which defiantly comes in your mind is does detox work to pass a drug test? It’s answer is Yes, detox products proves beneficial to clean the system from dirty toxins. However, be sure that you are using right detox product which does not leave any harm to your body system. Also confirm that drug testing does include screening against detox products. Detox products gives rise to drug metabolites rate. So that by products of the drugs can get thrash out from the system effectively. If you are looking for natural way to clean the system, then there are some herbal substances as well. You can check out them as well. Clean tea or sure jell also prove effective in some cases.

    Passing a drug test is no longer difficult if you applied right strategy for the same. If you fail in single aspect chances of getting caught increases tremendously. Select right product and try to clean always.

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