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  • November 17th, 2010

    How To Pass Saliva Drug Test

    How to Pass Saliva Drug Test.

    Drug Tests are named after the body fluid / extension that is used as the sample. Thus we have the urine test, blood test, saliva test, the sweat test and drug testing through hair. The urine test is the most common of all the drug testing. Kidneys store drug residues before gradually eliminating them through urine. This is why drugs can be detected in urine for greater durations than they can be done in blood and saliva. However, the hair drug test can detect drug for the greatest durations after they are consumed.

    The saliva drug test has its own relative advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of this test is that you cannot cheat on it. How to pass a saliva drug test has many ifs and buts in the answer. A cotton swab is inserted in the mouth of the person who is being tested. It is left there for a couple of minutes till it is saturated with saliva. The saturated swab is then placed on a colored test strip. The change in color or appearance / non-appearance of lines is an indicator of use / non-use of drugs. You cannot replace the sample or substitute it. This is because you cannot have someone else’s saliva in your mouth. And since the sample is taken in front of the test conductor, unlike in the urine drug test, you cannot replace or tamper with it. The simplicity of sample collection also makes the test almost fool proof. For this reason of simplicity this test is among the best rated home drug test.

    To pass this test you need to abstain from drugs at least for 3 to 4 days. This is the maximum duration for which the saliva test can trace the use of drugs. The other option is to use the detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test. This is not usually possible as you are placed under observation for the same 5 to 30 minutes before the test to rule out the mouthwash use possibility. Abstinence is therefore the best policy.

    How to pass