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  • November 9th, 2010

    Pass Cotton Swab Drug Test

    Pass Cotton Swab Drug Test.

    Drug Tests are named after the body fluid or the part / extension of the body that is used as a sample to detect the traces of drugs. So there is the urine drug test that is the most common, the blood test, the saliva drug test, sweat analysis / test and the hair drug test. The hair test is the most accurate and can trace drug consumption patterns for the greatest duration before the actual test is conducted. It is also the most expensive and therefore finds limited applications.

    The saliva drug test is gaining popularity because of its speed and because you cannot hoodwink it that easily. Passing a cotton swab drug test is not difficult provided you do not use drugs. If you are a drug user and cannot abstain from them even for 3 to 4 days before the test, then may god help you. The test uses a medicated cotton swab to collect the saliva sample. The swab is inserted in your mouth and left there for a couple of minutes till it is saturated with saliva. The swab is then placed over a colored test strip that indicates drug use / non use by a change / non change in color. If a detailed report is required, then the sample is taken to the lab. In most cases the former procedure is adopted. The reason why the test is so difficult to cheat on is because you cannot tamper with or substitute the sample. The sample is taken in front of the supervisor and you cannot have anyone else’s saliva in your mouth.

    So if you have a question like I have a drug test lined up in my office, then you need to know this. Since this test can detect drug use only during a short period before the test, you need to abstain from drugs for at least 3 to 4 days before the test. And if you want to be extra safe, you can rinse your mouth with a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test. But you need to get lucky for this. For the chances are you will be under supervision for that duration before the test.

    How to pass