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  • November 17th, 2010

    Pass Drug Test Without Cleanser

    Pass Drug Test Without Cleanser.

    Drug Tests are used to determine the consumption of drugs or narcotics. The use of drugs, also called as drug abuse, is major problem in the Unites States as also in many other countries. Drug test is a useful deterrent against this practice. This is so as the fear of testing positive in a drug test or actually testing positive is enough for many existing and potential drug users to stay away from this dreadful habit. Drug tests are named after the sample that they use to check for the presence of drug residues. Thus a drug test hair test, urine test, blood test, sweat test or a saliva test.

    You can pass a drug test by staying away from drugs. You will also need to keep a strict watch on what you eat and the medicines you take. Some foodstuffs and medicines will trigger a false positive result i.e. you will test positive even if you do not consume drugs. It is a good idea to detoxify your body before a drug test even if you do not use drugs. Using synthetic detox pills or syrups can do this. Alternatively, you can use natural methods and pass the drug test without the cleanser.

    This is what you can do to pass the drug test naturally. For 15 days before the test adopt a healthy lifestyle. This should include regular fat burning exercise, drinking a lot of water and taking in a balanced diet. Most toxins are stored in fats and burning fats removes these toxins. Water helps flush out the toxins through urine and the balanced diet prevents accumulation of any fresh toxins. The diet should be rich in proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates and minerals and devoid of fats and oils. Food intake should be spread out throughout the day. These actions dilute the urine that loses its characteristic yellow color and cause the creatinine levels to fall below the minimum mark. This will reveal your dilution attempts and may qualify you for the dreaded retest that is stricter. To restore the color take vitamin B pills and for restoring creatinine levels eat red meat.

    How to pass