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  • October 7th, 2010

    Pass Urine Test For Marijuanna

    Passing Urine Test for Marijuana.

    Drug Tests check a person for drug residues to determine if he / she is a user of drugs. The Urine drug test is the most commonly employed drug test. Urine retains drug residues for longer durations than blood, sweat and saliva. The test is also not that expensive and results are available within a short period of time. The urine test is therefore preferred over other tests. The hair drug test is more accurate than other tests. However it is complicated, time consuming and expensive. It is used mostly by the armed forces for screening new recruits. In here tracing drug consumption / non consumption is more important than other considerations.

    Marijuana is the most popular narcotic substance in the United States and in many other countries. It is also known as pot, weed and grass. Pot can be smoked in or orally consumed through foods like cookies. When orally consumed pot is slow to show effects but these are more intense and last longer. The effects include hallucinations and a feeling of intense well being and optimism. For no apparent reason, the person feels as if he is in control of everything around him. There is an increase in the heart rate and a drop in blood pressure – a combination that makes a person 4 times more likely to have a stroke in this phase. The breathing function of lungs is seriously hampered in the long run and so is the immunity of the person.

    Marijuana is usually detected through urine. To bypass the drug test many techniques are available. Marijuana stays in urine for 10 days, 45 days and 90 days respectively for occasional users, regular users and chronic users. Therefore it is best to stay away from pot for these durations. In addition to abstinence, you can drink one serving of cranberry juice between two servings of water 2 hours before the test. This will break down the drug residues and eliminate them through urine. Long term steps include improving exercise, diet and water consumption habits for at least 7 to 15 days before the test, although we will advise you to make these improvements a permanent feature of your lifestyle.

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